Special Keynote at the Headquartrs of Semi

Trustless Computing Initiative & opportunities for Valley semiconductor foundries

November 8th 2016 at 11.30AM PST, we will give a special 30-minute keynote plus Q&A about the Trustless Computing Initiative and its spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI to the monthly meeting Silicon Valley Strategic Advisers (SVSA) at the headquarters of the most historical semiconductor organization in the world, SEMI.

Our keynote will focus on our revolutionary fabrication oversight socio-technical solution, CivicFab, and its potential economic impact in the industry and territory, when combined with the creation of a solid and resilient Trustless Computing ecosystems.

We were invited by Jon Scadden, board member of SVSA, and the president of American MiniFoundry, a long time partner of the Initiative. AM tech lead is the former Technical Director of the NSA Trusted Foundry Program, Gerry Etzold.

Rufo Guerreschi

I am a lifetime activist, entrepreneur, and researcher in the area of digital civil rights and leading-edge IT security and privacy – living between Zurich and Rome.