ThoughT Leadership
& Certification Body
Ultimately, 100% of the trustworthiness of our solution derives from its being the first IT device and service compliant to the new Trustless Computing Certification Body. TRUSTLESS.AI is just the tip of an iceberg, of an expanding community, of a movement, that we have been creating with the Trustless Computing Association.
Over the last 4 years, the Trustless Computing Association has beenpromoting new standards and open technologies with levels of trustworthiness that are radically beyond state-of-the-art. It has grown through unique partners and advisors into an active community of world leading experts, consultancies, the largest cyber industry associations, high-assurance open IT leaders, national state security and privacy agencies, and enterprises, around foundational R&D initiatives, a global Free and Safe in Cyberspace event series, held in Brussels, New York, Iguazu, Berlin, Geneva and next January 29th 2020 in Zurich, our new home.
Trustless Computing is the long-awaited paradigm shift of IT security and privacy. The key principle of the Trustless Computing Paradigms is the removal of the need or assumption of unverified trust in anything or anyone, except in the user-assessable technical proficiency, ethical stance and accountability of the organizational processes critically-involved in the entire lifecycle of a given IT service or experience. "Not “trust but verify” but “trust or verify”.
Trustless Computing requires that all and every software, hardware and processes that are critically-involved in the provisioning or lifecycle of a computing service – from high-level software-stack to CPU design to fabrication, to hosting room access – be subject to extreme verification relative to complexity, or to extremely resilient socio-technical oversight. Some of our technical, supporting and governance partners: