Unique Security

We ensure previously unimagined levels of privacy and security and a transparent in-person solution to the need for legitimate and lawful access - via an uncompromisingly trustless approach down to CPU design, chip fabrication oversight, and data room access, as validated by a highly democratic and resilient Trustless Computing Certification Body, being promoted by our non-profit arm.

We achieve radically-unprecedented levels of trustworthiness by ensuring that any software, hardware, and process that is critically-involved in the entire life cycle and supply-chain will uniquely comply with the following 4 principles:

Question & Answers

Do I as a user need to trust you, your team, suppliers or your current and future shareholders?

  • No, you will not. You won’t have to trust our executives, team, staff, suppliers or share-holders, present and future, because everything we do is verified by the Trustless Computing Certification Body with its uniquely democratic and resilient governance, and such body will gain ultimate control of our company.

  • As a user you will typically, over time, entrust to the Seevik Wallet your most sensitive data, transactions, communications and digital assets. As a user will want to be sure that the long-term ownership/control of the Company will not negatively affect the trustworthiness of the Seevik Wallet service, and that they will not find themselves "owned" by a Big Tech company or a government.

  • To eliminate such risk our Company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (which will soon be rendered binding) with the Trustless Computing Certification Body so that, once revenue of our company has exceeded $100 million, new ordinary shares and new special priority shares amounting together to 51% will be emitted and donated to the Trustless Computing Certification Body and donated to the Trustless Computing Certification Body. Such shares will be characterized so that the TCCB will accrue 51% of the voting rights but only 5% of the Company economics rights, value, and dividends, in such a way that from that event onwards the control of the Company will rest in the Association, an entity whose governance is designed to sustainably remain highly democratic, independent, and resilient.

How do you prevent criminal abuse of the Seevik Wallet?
Unlike every other available system we do not have multiple back-doors or bug-doors, but solve the dichotomy of personal privacy vs public safety via a uniquely secure procedural front-door, which is part of our TCCB Cloud socio-technical system, as certified and managed by the Trustless Computing Certification Body. Via the TCCB Cloud, sensitive users’ data is mandatorily backed up in 3 ultra-secure hosting rooms, where access is only granted in-person if approved by an international TCCB Judicial Board board (for intl’ lawful access requests) or a TCCB Jury made od five randomly-sampled and vetted citizens (for intl’ lawful access requests, and any system admin access).